Elvin HOME, Inc., is a charitable, community-based organization of like-minded individuals, who gather several times a year to encourage, support, dream and feast together. Our goals are as diverse as the stars in the sky that float above us at night.
EHI and Lothlorien Nature Sanctuary rely upon the generosity and contributions of our Members and the general public to help in the day-to-day operations of the organization. Your membership dollars work for you through-out the year, by providing several informational bulletins mailed to you, an updated and highly informational website, clean shower areas and well-stocked composters, as well as 2 major programming events, Elffest in the Spring and Wild Magick Gathering in the Fall.
Want to get more involved in Elvin Home Inc., and Lothlorien Nature Sanctuary? The EHI member program is a great way for individuals to help out our non-profit organization! There are several levels you can join at, all offer you the same great benefits, the only difference being the length of membership! Best of all, you can now use Paypal to pay for your membership! New and *renewing memberships can use the links below.
Membership has its perks! Here’s what you get!
Discounts off Each Event Facilitated by EHI – Elffest and Wild Magick Gathering
Waiver of Facility Use Fees on all Day Passes through out the Year
Waiver of Facility Use Fees for EHI Member Only Events – Solstice Reunion.
Several Information Bulletins Snail-Mailed to your residence over the year
A copy of our latest GREENBOOK, Handbook of Lothlorien Nature Sanctuary
*Current members may renew their membership below
Lifetime Membership$420.00
Ten Year Membership$150.00
Five Year Membership$110.00
One Year Membership$30.00
Become a Proud Member of Lothlorien and EHI! Do Your Part to keep the Dream Flower Alive and Growing Strong for the Next 40 Years and Beyond!