In order to attend ELF FEST 2022, you will need to provide proof of vaccination or proof of a negative Covid test. (If you provided it via email for a 2021 event, you do not need to resend it. However, if you only showed it or proof of a negative test at the gate, you still need to send us proof this year.)
This is required for everyone age 5 and up, even children young enough to not need a ticket (12 and under). This includes volunteers and staff as well as attendees.
For proof of vaccination, we recommend that you take a picture of your vaccination card and email it to ahead of time. It will be much easier for staff at the gate if we have your information on record ahead of time, and bringing an paper card camping is not ideal. This is the vaccination card we are asking for:

(Your Name/Birthdate/Patient Number fields should not be blanked out. Yours will not be published on the web like this one, though, which is why this one has been edited.)
If you are not vaccinated, you will need to bring proof of a negative Covid test to the gate. The test must have been taken on May 23rd or later.